by Kevin Murray | Jan 23, 2017 | Life Lessons
It’s not uncommon to hear these days, “I wouldn’t want to bring kids into this crazy world.” I’m tempted to agree. After all, it’s such an immoral, uncertain, fill in the blank, place. But I don’t agree. This crazy world is nothing new. The reality is that every...
by Kevin Murray | Jan 4, 2017 | Life Lessons
“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” -Rom 12:1 The following is the latter half of a story. The first half I leave to your...
by Kevin Murray | Nov 3, 2016 | Life Lessons
I’m being generous, but perhaps this will be on my tombstone: 10/18/60-12/12/52. Many talk about the dash between the dates being the most important part. It is the story of a man’s life, they say, and it is to be measured by the noteworthy achievements, or the...
by Kevin Murray | Sep 16, 2016 | Life Lessons
I am persuaded that undisciplined men of this modern age have slopped up so much imitation pudding that they now habitually forgo the better choice–mom’s matchless homemade variety (I plead guilty). I speak of course, not of food, but of all realms of life where...
by Kevin Murray | Feb 17, 2016 | Life Lessons
A typical winepress in Biblical times consisted of two large vats—one in which the grapes were thrown to be trodden, and another positioned to collect the juices that poured forth. It was an indelicate but highly effective process. When we look around at the depravity...
by Kevin Murray | Jan 13, 2016 | Life Lessons
Insightful tongues warn of the dangers of letting high and mighty words get in the way of the message when writing about God. Glad those aren’t the kind in my writings. I would be aghast and discomposed to exorbitant proportions were it so. Now I love words, as the...