I’m not sure when my idea of writing changed from being akin to a chore I had to accomplish if I ever wanted a passing grade in English, to becoming something I do for sheer enjoyment, and on some days, even with outright passion. But somewhere along the way, God impressed upon me that my seemingly random thoughts could be tamed to form relatively useful and meaningful concepts. That’s when I began to see writing in a whole new light.

From time to time, in the weeks that follow, I will write. Three precepts will guide the way: 1) I will not be concerned with making an “A” in grammar, since I prefer to write the same way most of us speak; 2) The subject matter will be whatever the good Lord lays on my heart and mind; and 3) My hope and prayer is that you find equal parts pleasure and reward for the journey.

I look forward to exploring together with you, wherever He leads.

-Kevin Murray
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