No art curator would be so naive as to think the Mona Lisa created itself. We know that its exquisite design, form, and beauty all point to a creator–in this case, Leonardo da Vinci. Similarly, given the complexity, grandeur, and design of the universe, how is it even remotely possible to believe that the universe created itself?

Though it defies all logic, this is the inescapable and prevailing position of the bureaucratic guardians of science, a.k.a. the scientific community. Certainly not all scientists believe this, but many do. Although they use more technical jargon, the essence of their theory goes like this:

Once upon a time, for some unknown reason, very dense matter sprang out of nothing and, at extremely high temperatures, an explosion occurred and the universe began to exist. This has come to be known as the Big Bang Theory. Now, whether one believes this theory or not, the question remains, how could the universe have caused itself? After all, popcorn pops into existence when one heats a kernel of corn, not when one heats nothing, or more to the point, not when no one heats nothing (odd grammar intended). Don’t get discouraged. I’m not sure I understood that last part either.

Now, I know the guardians of science would say that I’m oversimplifying their elegant theory. They would also point to other theories they’ve devised which purport to better explain the origin of the universe from natural causes. But all these theories suffer the same mortal wound: namely, in the natural world you can’t get something out of nothing. No physics degree needed to understand that!

So what plausible explanation can be given for how something can come into existence out of nothing? I’m glad you asked. For now we’ve entered the exciting realms of science, theology, and philosophy combined. Consider the following: Only if an omnipotent being, who has always existed and who is not bound by the constraints of space and time, volitionally decides to create a universe, will one begin to exist (see Genesis 1:1).

And now that we’ve all but proven (in an unintended and roundabout way) that the Mona Lisa couldn’t possibly have painted itself, let’s turn to lighter fare.

There is a witticism that says the scientists are going to feel mighty foolish having spent all those years scaling the intellectual mountain in search of the origin of the universe only to reach the summit and find that the theologians and philosophers were waiting there all along. Until that day, here’s hoping they catch up to the art curators soon.

I hope this encourages you today.

-Kevin Murray

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