The Pursuing Silence

The Pursuing Silence

I want peace—soul-soothing peace. Yet I was born into the stretched-out plains of noise. I’ve learned with experience that when I feel the hubbub taking me away from God, it’s time to retreat from the whirring crowds and sink into the private creases of life so I can...
Forever and Ever and Ever

Forever and Ever and Ever

I’m being generous, but perhaps this will be on my tombstone: 10/18/60-12/12/52. Many talk about the dash between the dates being the most important part. It is the story of a man’s life, they say, and it is to be measured by the noteworthy achievements, or the...
The Picture of You and Me

The Picture of You and Me

In Oscar Wilde’s classic book, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian, handsome beyond compare, sits before an accomplished artist for his portrait. Upon its completion, he laments that while it will always reflect his youthful vigor, he himself will physically...

We Have a Choice

I am persuaded that undisciplined men of this modern age have slopped up so much imitation pudding that they now habitually forgo the better choice–mom’s matchless homemade variety (I plead guilty). I speak of course, not of food, but of all realms of life where...

A Brief Commentary on a Brief Comment

I often hear from a wide swath of Christian sources the glorious quote: “Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.” Most often it is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi—founder of the Franciscan Order. And when I hear it, it is usually accompanied with...