C.S. Lewis once wrote, “My feeling about people in whose conversion I have been allowed to play a part is always mixed with awe and even fear: such as a boy might feel on first being allowed to fire a rifle. The disproportion between his puny finger on the trigger and the thunder and lightening which follow is alarming. And the seriousness with which the other party takes my words always raises the doubt about whether I have taken them serious enough myself.”
Most times when I have the privilege of ministering to someone or encouraging them to grow in their faith in some way, I feel exactly like that. The joy I first feel is tempered as soon as I reflect on how their breakthrough or newfound relief is something I’m unable to sustain myself. More to the point, I know full well that I’m nowhere near as good as I want them to be.
I’m sure many of us feel that way at times. And just to be clear, I don’t think it’s a feeling born of an inferiority complex; nor of a humbler-than-thou superiority complex. No, if anything, it might be our best quality—the awareness that we share these selfsame struggles, which in turn makes us realize we can’t take the credit for someone else’s victory, nor for our own.
Instead, we just revel in the ultimate reality complex and declare: “To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (Phil 4:20).
I hope this encourages you to praise God for the victories today.
Kevin Murray
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