We Are the Sheep

We are the sheep. He is the Shepherd. We are His. We can boldly go out into the pastures of the world knowing we will be kept from harm. We know that we will be well-fed, for He always provides the nourishment we need. We don’t know how He will do it. But He knows. ...

The Divine Healthcare Plan

There is a point in time when a person with a faulty heart realizes that his only cure is to surrender to heart surgery. There is nothing left for him to do but to allow himself to be put on the operating table, and let the skilled hands of a surgeon mend his wounds....

A Time to Run

Years ago, when my family first began attending a local church, the associate pastor invited me to have lunch later in the week. As a new Christian, I was still self-conscious about praying in front of anyone and somehow sensed he might ask me to open up in prayer...

The Virtue of Slowing Down

I often drive ten mph faster than I should in an effort to shave a mere five minutes off my commute. Is it really worth the stress? Have so-called labor saving devices (car, computer, iPhone) actually given us more margin in our schedules, or are we now busier than...

To Pray is to Dance

It’s all too easy to look at prayer as a chore. But when you think about it, it’s actually an opportunity to participate in a dance. A dance where God leads and we follow. I know it may seem frivolous, this talk of dancing when there is so much evil and suffering...

A Few Words on Freedom

In one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman, playing the prison “lifer”, Red, says to Andy, the new inmate, played by Tim Robbins, “These walls are kind of funny. First you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em. Enough time passes, gets so you...