A Good Exercise

A Good Exercise

I cannot sleep. I am thankful for many things—just so you know—but this night I have chosen to lie here and rehearse a compendium of gripes. Every. Bad. Thing. Somehow that seems to fit my mood and it goes as follows: I don’t like getting rained on. Or the way I...
A Morning Transformation

A Morning Transformation

Back in my business days, this was my story: Why do I have to go to work today of all days? I’ve got a thousand other things going on, plus or minus. Not to mention, work has become drudgery! My boss is a pistol—on his good days. I’m bored silly—on my good days. What...
The Pursuing Silence

The Pursuing Silence

I want peace—soul-soothing peace. Yet I was born into the stretched-out plains of noise. I’ve learned with experience that when I feel the hubbub taking me away from God, it’s time to retreat from the whirring crowds and sink into the private creases of life so I can...

2015 Year-end Update

To All, “In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.” These penetrating words were spoken by Job in the midst of great calamity, and they are our reminder in 2015 that the troubling times of this world are no match for our sovereign,...

Praying for Melinda

The other day I had an ordinary experience that was extraordinary. Aren’t they all? The story is a simple one and perhaps not unlike stories you have lived. She said her name was Melinda. I was having coffee with a friend when a downcast and weary...

Honest Prayers

There are many times when I begin to pray from an earnest place of deep-felt need, only to find that the words bloat into superficial adornments meant to sway God to my point of view. What a low view I take when I try to flower my petitions and thanksgivings with...