Goodbye Humans

Goodbye Humans

Such bad luck. We have this amazing planet where myriad creatures evolved for no particularly good reason out of nearly nothing. Until, unfortunately, we selfish human beings were the resultant beneficiaries of these blinded forces, all but ensuring the destruction of...
These Storms

These Storms

“He took on his own shoulders the sin of the many, he took up the cause of all the black sheep” (Is 53:12; Msg). You may not know this, but I am at a lowish point, and it has lasted many a day. I appreciate your patience during my storm. I’m sure you’ve suffered them...
My Word!

My Word!

“Nor should there be obscenity…” (Ephesians 5:4). Look, I’m no prude. I can cuss with the best of them, quite inventively in fact; always could turn a phrase vile and crude going all the way back to my preadolescent days; still keep up a thriving practice in my head;...
World of the Free to Choose

World of the Free to Choose

This is my version of a Christmas message: I get it. If I lived in a region of melting pot religions like they do in India (Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others), where I’m not consistently getting reinforcement for what I believe about my own Christian...
Moving Up the Line

Moving Up the Line

As I approached another “it-can’t-already-be-my-birthday” birthday, my son asked me if I felt old. A simple yes or no wouldn’t do. Here is what I said:  In certain circumstances, if I were to be standing, say, fourth in a line of a thousand people at some particular...
The Rock

The Rock

I had a dream when I was a boy that I found a million dollars under a big rock while walking to school. I decided to leave it there until I returned home later that day. (Don’t judge me; it was a dream!) After school, I rushed back the way I had come, but couldn’t...