Sigh For God Alone

Sigh For God Alone

I was talking to a friend the other day about the state of affairs in this world; specifically, the events you hear about that cause you to shake your head and wonder, How can the world survive this? For emphasis, I added: “It’s not a good thing. That’s for...
Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world”(Mt 5:14). That is one great privilege. That is one great responsibility. So by all means, shine your light today. Don’t let life’s pressing circumstances keep it hidden anymore. Shine your light. When times get dark in this...
Claim Your Victory

Claim Your Victory

I am a Georgia Bulldog football fan. To the chagrin (or indifference) of non-fans, two weeks ago, Georgia cruised to a resounding victory in the National Championship game – cruised, so much so that the outcome was no longer in doubt by the end of the first...
The Secrets to Life

The Secrets to Life

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog, and for good reason: I’ve been hard at work creating an online mentorship program.  I’ve had a lot of time to think all this while, and you’ll be thrilled to know I have boiled down the secrets to a truly fulfilling life to...
Pursue The Truth

Pursue The Truth

What to do about these challenging times? Keep following after truth. Keep following after truth in the midst of the world’s storm. Keep following after truth in the midst of our country’s storm. Keep following after truth in the midst of your own storm. Truth is...
Can We Talk About Jesus More?

Can We Talk About Jesus More?

Can we talk about Jesus more and not so much about the election? Don’t get me wrong, talking about politics in this republic of ours is important, vital even. We need to do it plenty to make sure we get it right. But it never should take precedent over talking about...