If Only I Had a Kia

Envy rears its ugly head at the most unexpected times. Recently, I was watching “Shark Tank,” a TV show featuring very wealthy people. The basic premise revolves around a panel of business moguls who evaluate the merits of various business ventures being pitched. The...

To Pray is to Dance

It’s all too easy to look at prayer as a chore. But when you think about it, it’s actually an opportunity to participate in a dance. A dance where God leads and we follow. I know it may seem frivolous, this talk of dancing when there is so much evil and suffering...

We Live Life Homesick

Do you have moments when even in the midst of the most wonderful times–enjoying the holidays, relaxing on the beach with your family, sharing a good meal among friends–an unsettled feeling sometimes creeps in? Do you have moments when there is a gnawing...

A Few Words on Freedom

In one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman, playing the prison “lifer”, Red, says to Andy, the new inmate, played by Tim Robbins, “These walls are kind of funny. First you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em. Enough time passes, gets so you...

Welcome Friend!

I’m not sure when my idea of writing changed from being akin to a chore I had to accomplish if I ever wanted a passing grade in English, to becoming something I do for sheer enjoyment, and on some days, even with outright passion. But somewhere along the way, God...