Fewer Words. More Meaning.

There’s an old anecdote about a college student who wrote home, “Dear Dad, No mun. No fun. Your son”; to which his father replied, “Dear Son, Too bad. So sad. Your Dad.” Not likely true, but with very few words, it does make its point. That brings to mind an even more...

A Time to Run

Years ago, when my family first began attending a local church, the associate pastor invited me to have lunch later in the week. As a new Christian, I was still self-conscious about praying in front of anyone and somehow sensed he might ask me to open up in prayer...

The Splendor of the Ordinary

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of modern life, the myriad of choices available to us, and the creature comforts we have amassed, why do we so often feel bored? A while back, I heard a sermon that developed the idea that we habitually look for monumental...

Love My Neighbor or Me First?

When you walk into a room full of people, do you say to yourself, “Well here I am,” or instead, “How are they”? Do you open a door for someone and think, “Aren’t I thoughtful?” or “I hope this helps them”? If you could see the future and could know ahead of time that...

More Water Please!

“Do your own thing.” No doubt, this relatively modern catchphrase has had its share of variations since the dawn of mankind. If spoken to express the idea that we have freedom to make choices through God’s gift of free will, this saying can convey a modicum of...