When I was a new follower of Jesus, exploring the Bible was one of the highlights of my day. Reading the Bible was a brand new adventure, and the ensuing growth trajectory was off the charts. But things began to change over the next several years. What began as an exciting process of discovery soon became an obligation to trudge through the Bible to memorize, decipher, and otherwise fill my brain with as much information as I could get. Predictably, I reached a place of spiritual dryness and came to view my reading mostly as a chore. I loved God. I just wasn’t enthusiastic about reading His Word.
All but out of steam, I decided to turn the problem over to God–what a concept!–and so I ardently prayed that He would help me rediscover the joy of reading my Bible. A timely conversation with a friend followed. He shared about the day he realized the Bible was the story of God’s love, and therefore, at its core, a “love letter” and not an “instruction manual” as is so often taught. Message received. Thank you, Lord!
Soon enough my perspective changed, and God began to show me that reading the Bible is a revelatory and personal encounter with Him. I came to see that the very moment we meditate on these God-breathed words, they enter the heart and ultimately transform our souls (“For the word of God is living and active.” -Hebrews 4:12a).
Granted, old habits die hard, and at times I still catch myself approaching Scripture like I’m studying for a high school history exam. But, little by little, I’m learning just how much our Father desires that we open our Bibles, eager to feast upon the most personal and adoring words ever written. And when we read with this expectation, we’ll rediscover the heart of the message He’s been sharing all along: Dear (Your Name Here), I love you!
I hope this encourages you today.
-Kevin Murray
© 06/11/2014 All rights reserved