“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him” (Col 1:16).
The following prayer reflects my thoughts and relentless optimism about the state of things…
“Father, I thank you that you are in control of this nation. Although it seems to many that irretrievably dark days are upon us, it is well known that it is always darkest before the dawn. In like manner, I know the darkness we see right now is nothing more than evil being uprooted and on the run. It is happening because good is shining a light and evil is out of options. I am hopeful, optimistic even, that a resounding victory for your Kingdom is at hand. I believe it will manifest itself in this country, now struggling through steep division, but about to see something remarkable. You will snatch victory out of seeming defeat. There is a revival of this country on the horizon in terms of faith and values. Some will never want it or see it. But those who belong to you will have no doubt that you have never stopped working your plan for good. Thank you, Lord, for the astounding plan you are unfolding in these days, days which have always belonged to you. I love you. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
I hope this encourages you to pray for a miracle in our nation today.
Kevin Murray
© 2020 All rights reserved
Thanks so much for this prayer of hope and faith, Kevin! I have shared it with my family and friends. These are truly dark and evil times but we have a deep faith that the Lord is still in control and that He is uprooting the deep evil in our proud country. The cancer is deep here in the U.S. and has been allowed to spread unchecked too long. This surgery may take a while, be painful, and seem too much for even a skilled surgeon, but the Lord is working to bring us true victory and healing for our land and people!