On Encouraging Others

When I read Hebrews 10:24-25, I hear God saying, “You are participating in a divine journey that I have called you to. And everyone you meet is a divine appointment–an opportunity to shine the love that I put in your heart and reflect My true nature to them....

See You Hank

Most of us appreciate a good conversation with a close friend and the nourishment these talks provide. The opportunity to share what’s going on in our lives, to express our thoughts and feelings, and of course to have a laugh or two, is precious indeed. But have you...

Love My Neighbor or Me First?

When you walk into a room full of people, do you say to yourself, “Well here I am,” or instead, “How are they”? Do you open a door for someone and think, “Aren’t I thoughtful?” or “I hope this helps them”? If you could see the future and could know ahead of time that...

A Change of Heart

The other day I was in the drive-thru line at my favorite fast-food restaurant when I noticed, sitting across the way, a homeless man and his dog. My first thought was the same as it had been for years, “This man is too lazy to work and wants to freeload off of the...