by Kevin Murray | Dec 8, 2015 | Prayer, Relationships
The other day I had an ordinary experience that was extraordinary. Aren’t they all? The story is a simple one and perhaps not unlike stories you have lived. She said her name was Melinda. I was having coffee with a friend when a downcast and weary...
by Kevin Murray | Nov 23, 2015 | Relationships
Holidays are intended to be joyful–a time of peace, reflection, and above all, savoring relationships. However, far too often, and after years of less than stellar experiences, we approach the holidays with an underlying tension, bracing for the worst, and...
by Kevin Murray | Jun 29, 2015 | Relationships
In his book Surrender to Love, author David Benner states this truism about relationships: ”Knowledge by acquaintance is always better than knowledge by description.” While this certainly applies to all relationships, in this particular passage he is referring to the...
by Kevin Murray | Sep 30, 2014 | Relationships
Humility is a good thing. It teaches one his ultimate position relative to God. Well into my business career, I went with a new colleague to call on a particular company (forever nameless). We were out and about that day meeting folks and trying to build new...
by Kevin Murray | Jul 22, 2014 | Relationships
All men, duty-bound, onward must wend–even if trepidatiously. Momentarily, you will see why. In most marriages there are times when frustrations build and quarrels are sparked. In the heat of such moments considerable energy is expended affixing blame; he...
by Kevin Murray | Mar 20, 2014 | Relationships
The saying “behind every face, there’s a story” is, at its core, an invitation. I noticed a little girl at the airport recently who, by the intensity of her focus, stood out among the crowd. The events that soon unfolded were so tender and affecting that I was moved...