by Kevin Murray | Nov 10, 2018 | Encouragement, Prayer
I got up and got out all of my important things one recent, sunshiny dawn—Bible, prayer list, devotional, glasses so I could read any of the aforementioned—preparing to start my day like many others, with God, immersing myself in the water of life (Jn 4:14)....
by Kevin Murray | Sep 4, 2018 | Challenges, Encouragement
“For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come” (Hebrews 13:14). I love a long walk through the trails and fields by my home. Sore feet and a tolerable ivy rash are the price I pay. Well worth it. The other day, though, I...
by Kevin Murray | Aug 21, 2018 | Encouragement
Salvation: deliverance from sin and its consequences brought about by faith in Jesus Christ. I heard this quote from a popular radio host whom I like: “If God doesn’t send Hitler to Hell, then I have no interest in such a God.” Sounds righteous enough. Only problem...
by Kevin Murray | Jul 24, 2018 | Encouragement
How is it that the tiny nation of Israel (not quite the size of New Hampshire) is the ground-zero religious and political firestorm of the world? How does it endure even though it is the only free market, democratic nation in a sea of more than a dozen other nations...
by Kevin Murray | Jun 26, 2018 | Encouragement, Life Lessons
(You might know I have a philosophical penchant.) The good old days seem so good to me, not so much because they were simpler (simpler, I say, not easier), nor because they were lived against a superior moral backdrop (though that case could be made), but because as...
by Kevin Murray | Apr 26, 2018 | Challenges, Encouragement, Life Lessons
“When I have found myself at the bottom of a deep, dark well and looked up, my eyes were filled with light.” -James M. Houston, Joyful Exiles I like people. They please and disappoint me. I’m sure I do the same to them. Life follows a challenging pattern: sighs of...