Christmas to Me

Christmas to Me

(Excerpt from the book Kindred Travelers, by Kevin Murray) I remember when I was a young child how Christmas was to me—the sights, the sounds, the scents, the tastes, and mostly how it felt….magical. I thought Santa Claus to be the most awe-inspiring fellow there was....
The Best Use of Our Time While Here

The Best Use of Our Time While Here

(This is the third of three messages on the goodness of why we are here.) Assignment 1: Walk through any luxurious neighborhood and see how many people are taking time to enjoy themselves on their front porch. In the 1979 comedy, The Jerk, Steve Martin plays...
The Goodness in Everyday Life

The Goodness in Everyday Life

This is the second of three messages on the goodness of why we are here. A while back, I wrote out the following outline on living life, and more specifically, on how to experience the goodness in everyday life—because there is an amazing goodness to life, as you...
The Truth Seeker’s Creed

The Truth Seeker’s Creed

I spent years in unbelief, followed by years of searching for truth wherever that led, followed by a moment when I realized Jesus was my Savior and I transferred my trust to Him. Intellectually, the following is what that journey looked like: THE TRUTH SEEKER’S...
Freedom For The Hurting Soul

Freedom For The Hurting Soul

A friend sent me a video recently of a young man singing his heart out. This YouTube-instant-sensation, plain-speaking, country boy comes out of the Appalachian woods and out of musical obscurity to sing—to wail really, to plead his case from his stripped down,...
The Triumph of an Eternal Perspective

The Triumph of an Eternal Perspective

In speaking to the disciples, Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows” (John 16:33). If you’ve transferred your trust from self to Jesus, you have likely found this to be true in your own life, or you will. When the foundations to which you...