Abiding in The Vine

Abiding in The Vine

“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing” -John 15:5. As followers of Jesus, there are wonderful, transformative traits that we can access in our new natures and make...
Walking With Jesus

Walking With Jesus

Last time in the mountains, it was early evening and the light filtering through the trees was peaceful and beautiful and Jesus was with me. (When is He not?) I sat on a wooden bench and started to pray. I pictured in my mind that I got up and began walking on the...
The Longing To Be In God’s Arms

The Longing To Be In God’s Arms

Faith and intellect both have their roles in the journey into God’s arms. Faith is the song in our hearts with which God draws us, increasingly, to His love. The intellect is a tool God gives to help lead us to the invitation already resounding in our hearts. I’m not...