A Place I’m Passing Through

A Place I’m Passing Through

“For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come”  (Hebrews 13:14). I love a long walk through the trails and fields by my home. Sore feet and a tolerable ivy rash are the price I pay. Well worth it. The other day, though, I...
The Bright Side

The Bright Side

“When I have found myself at the bottom of a deep, dark well and looked up, my eyes were filled with light.” -James M. Houston, Joyful Exiles I like people. They please and disappoint me. I’m sure I do the same to them. Life follows a challenging pattern: sighs of...
The Sound of Tranquility

The Sound of Tranquility

Friends, I’m sharing this excerpt from Ken Boa’s book, Life in the Presence of God. It is compelling. “Andrew Sullivan, a contemporary commentator, recently captured the state of our current situation in a New York Magazine article about the slower pace of life...
Our Greatest Comfort

Our Greatest Comfort

Many scoff at the idea that there could be a God since there is so much suffering in the world. They miss that only the existence of God can make sense of the suffering to start. An ant doesn’t question suffering in its life (and if you think it does, this is not the...
How Matters Really Stand

How Matters Really Stand

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “My feeling about people in whose conversion I have been allowed to play a part is always mixed with awe and even fear: such as a boy might feel on first being allowed to fire a rifle. The disproportion between his puny finger on the trigger and...