The Family’s Growin’

The Family’s Growin’

(This is the first of three parts on our role in spreading the Gospel message.) We sometimes think that reaching others for Christ is a competitive numbers game (in our flesh we do), where our side of the responsibility, now that Jesus died for the sins of the world,...
The Overflowing Love of God

The Overflowing Love of God

“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37). “I love you,” God tells me, tells me forever. “But if you knew the things I’ve done, the things I’ve said, the things I’ve thought.” “Yes, I know all about them...
To Fortify My Faith

To Fortify My Faith

At times, unpredictable to me, throughout my Christian pilgrimage, occasionally doubt comes to my mind like a cloud crosses in front of the sun. I don’t panic: “Oh no! Where’d you go this time, Lord?” I’ve learned that the “light of the world” (John 8:12) is always...
Second-guessing My Prayer

Second-guessing My Prayer

“Or whatever brings You the most glory, God; ’cause what do I know?”  Now there’s a clumsy prayer ending for you, prayed just yesterday. I started off my prayer eloquently, I thought, doing my best to be polished enough to be heard by God over the...
In Awe of God’s Attributes

In Awe of God’s Attributes

Pertaining to God’s attributes, whenever I stop long enough to ponder them deeply, I always draw closer to Him. Let me stop now. He is… -Sovereign (Meaning, He’s in charge) -Forgiving (He sent His only begotten Son to die for my sins) -Merciful (He doesn’t give me...