And That’s the Truth (Relatively Speaking)

The following dizzying ride through that brewery known as contemporary English doublespeak is not for the faint-hearted. Fasten your seat belts. You’ve been forewarned. These days we’re scared to death to speak the truth for fear that we might offend somebody and be...

Let’s Fish Already!

“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19b) In the year 2014, three men were standing by the shore, deep in discussion. They could be heard arguing over the matter of fishing. One man debated whether it was better to fish in deep waters or in...

When God Speaks, His Children Listen

When we say God speaks to us through a particular song, movie, or painting, we don’t mean to infer He is the one actually creating the music, acting the role, or generating the image. We recognize these are the works of poets, performers, and artists, who may or may...

A Farmer’s Tale

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who loved God. He was satisfied to have a small plot of land, some chickens scurrying about, a milk cow in the barn, and warmth in his home, wherein resided his loving family. The farmer spent his days with his hands in the dirt....

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Not long ago, I found myself to be in what can best be described as a spiritual slumber. In the film, Awakenings, Robin Williams gives a brilliant portrayal of Malcolm Sawyer, an American neurologist who discovers the benefits of a new drug, L-Dopa. He discovers that...