Encourage to Faith Ministries
Inspiring Others Into a Growing Relationship With Jesus
Providing Spiritual Direction
Connect with God’s Unique Plan for You
As Christians, we are faced with distractions and pressures from ourselves, the world, and from those we love most. The goal of Encourage to Faith is simple: quiet the noise, relieve the pressure, and help you connect with God’s purpose for your life.
We give men and women the tools, support, and inspiration they need to continue on a life-long journey with Christ. We encourage them to take an in-depth look at their past through a new lens, to become the men and women of God they have longed to be, and to walk toward a future filled with divine grace.

workplace chaplaincy
The role of Encourage to Faith Workplace Chaplaincy is to nurture the spiritual and relational development of each of your employees, ultimately helping them embrace and live out their God-given gifts and potential. We come to you, regularly meeting with your employees and providing encouragement and support.
Men’s Faith Coaching
Our men’s Christian faith coaching program is designed to help you experience God’s grace and to discover your divine purpose as a man of God. It’s a place to find guidance for your journey – a place to reflect on your experiences, examine your relationships, and gain lifelong inspiration as you learn to walk out God’s plan for your life.
“It is God above Who not only cheers us on, but also accomplishes the goal of drawing us to Himself. My joyful ride is but to come alongside and share what I’ve learned on my journey into His heart.”
– Kevin Murray, Founder of Encourage to Faith


Kevin Murray, the Founder of Encourage to Faith Ministries, offers a heartfelt, insightful, and remarkably inspiring look into his spiritual journey. Beginning as a skeptic who sought the answer to the eternal question “Why?”, Kevin explored countless religions and philosophies over the course of his life. As time went on and his studies progressed, he found his answer in the Person of Christ. The truth, after all of the searching, was simple: without God, it will never be enough.
Crossroads & Periods of Transition
interested in learning more?

Have you wondered how you can make a difference in the faith journey of another person? God has accomplished incredible things through our ministry. Your support allows us to continue encouraging others to grow in their faith. Our programs support your next-door neighbor, your accountant, your child’s teacher – men and women facing the everyday challenges and pressures of the world, who need guidance in finding their divine purpose.