“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

I remember as a young boy hoping I would find a million dollars. Wherever I walked I’d imagine looking under some nearby object and finding a hidden treasure, envisioning all the while what my life could be. I was happy as I walked a meandering path made just for me.

During my teen years, my walk turned dreary in the shadow of my own pride. Forget about a path. “Why all this pain? And to what purpose?” I roared! Nothing. I lost sight in the dimness and veered away.

Thus, it went for some years, navigating my way through a labyrinth of futility, crisscrossing a path I couldn’t see. Eventually, I conceded to God that I was lost, and one day cried out, “Show me, Lord! Which way is mine?” He answered by illuminating His Son, and I stepped toward Him and onto the path I had been missing.

Ever since then, a path made just for me stays lit with His love, and I walk its winding course every day.

I hope this encourages you to walk your path today.

-Kevin Murray
© 11/12/2014 All rights reserved